
The Annual George Eliot Conference at the Institute of English Studies is organised and will be introduced by Barbara Hardy (Birkbeck & Swansea) and Louise Lee (Roehampton)

Papers will be presented by:

John Rignall (Warwick & Co-Editor, George Eliot Review): ‘Middlemarch and the Franco-Prussian War’

Barbara Hardy (Birkbeck): ‘Elizabeth Gaskell in Middlemarch’

Marianne Burton (RHUL); ‘How much did Dorothea and Celia Know? Sexual Ignorance and Knowledge Among Unmarried Girls in Middlemarch’

Isobael Armstrong (Birkbeck): ‘Middlemarch: The “Yoke”, Philosophy, George Eliot’s Reading’

Royce Mahawatte (Central Saint Martins): ‘”Beautiful Lips Kissing Holy Skulls And Other Emptinesses Ecclesiastically Enshrined”: Gothic Plots in Middlemarch’

Kate Osborne (King’s College London): ‘”The End of Mr Brooke’s Pen”: Scenes of Writing in Middlemarch’

Beryl Gray (Co-Editor, George Eliot Review): ‘Riding Horses in Middlemarch’

Louise Lee (Roehampton): ‘Middlemarch’s Jokes’

Margaret Harris (Sydney): ‘Twenty Years On: The 1994 BBC TV Middlemarch’

Venue: Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7H

Date and time: 22 November 2014

Find out more about the programme and registration here