by aseifert | Nov 10, 2014 | Being Human festival, Events
At Senate House, home to the ‘Ministry of Information’ during WWII and inspiration for Orwell’s 1984, we launch the Being Human festival with a day of activities that will inspire debate over our shared future as ‘digital humans’. Based at the Being Human festival hub...
by admin | Nov 4, 2014 | Being Human festival
In this guest post Eleanor Dickey FBA, Professor of Classics at the University of Reading, reflects on the lessons that the education systems of Ancient Greece might hold for modern democracies. These ideas will inform Experiencing Ancient Education: a day of...
by admin | Oct 28, 2014 | Being Human festival
In this guest post Dr Elaine Canning, Deputy Director of the Research Institute for Arts and Humanities, Swansea University offers a special insight into ‘Rediscovering Dylan’: a programme of events curated specially for Being Human 2014 which celebrate the life and...
by guestblogger | Oct 21, 2014 | Being Human festival
By Professor Conor Gearty, FBA In this special guest blog for Being Human, Conor Gearty, professor of Law at the London School of Economics and Fellow of the British Academy, looks back on inspirations drawn from a career studying law. Touching on some of the law...
by guestblogger | Oct 14, 2014 | Being Human festival
In this blog, Dr Sara Pennell of the University of Roehampton explores the links between taste and memory, and how humans build memories around food. During the Being Human festival Dr Pennell is taking part in Memory Banquet, a series of events about food and memory...