by bcoleman | Mar 31, 2014 | Events
One-day conference hosted by the Institute of English Studies for the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, incorporating the 16th AGM of the VWSGB Confirmed Speakers Wendy Hitchmough: Dr Wendy Hitchmough is the Head of Historic Buildings and Research at Historic...
by bcoleman | Mar 24, 2014 | Events
The AHRC’s themes provide a funding focus for emerging areas of interest to arts and humanities researchers. In recognizing that interdisciplinary and collaborative research often requires particular forms of support to develop its full potential, themed funding is...
by bcoleman | Mar 17, 2014 | Events
Online Learning: Developing trends. User expectations of what learning is and how it is offered and supported are changing dramatically and rapidly. Remaining relevant is the most significant challenge for organisations working in this new world. How might we respond...
by bcoleman | Mar 10, 2014 | Events
This workshop will bring together researchers in aesthetics, philosophy of language and linguistics to consider a topic significant to all these domains: aesthetic adjectives, such as ‘beautiful’, ‘ugly’, ‘elegant’ and...
by bcoleman | Mar 3, 2014 | Events
The image of London on screen is as old as film itself, with the city’s landmarks becoming increasingly familiar to audiences around the world. This conference explores the use of ‘real’ streets and buildings – which continues today and...