Introduction and Overview

YouTube stats have remained roughly consistent over the past few months, between 8,500 and 9,500 views. The iTunes U stats show that we had a decent May but a particularly slow June.This could be linked to the end of the term and what will probably be a slow summer.

Views and Downloads from our two podcasting platforms:

Month Youtube iTunes No. Of videos (not exact)
March 2012 2597 9798 36
April 2062 11159 25
May 2474 12820 36
June 2957 9142 31
July 3508 13209 14
August 4316 9045 18
September* 4254 7051 2
October 5160 8089 6
November 5192 8335 16
December 8114 12793 21
January 2013 8016 18676 24
February 6936 7455 28
March 9239 7801 56
April 8582 10768 36
May 9334 8511 33
June 8422 6781 30
* = Youtube estimate due to bot attack of about 12,200 extra views

YouTube stats – Interesting bits

Traffic Sources (External websites) – You can see from the graph and table bellow that podcasts during May and June were particularly successful on social media platforms like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter.


Embedded players (External websites) – The graph and table below shows that, unsurprisingly, our website is the largest embedded player location. Once again, social media platforms are high up the list. Interestingly, there are a number of blogs in the list. This shows that our podcasts would get more views if we could get them embedded on more external blogs, like those of the speaker(s) or related organisations.

iTunes U stats –  Interesting bits

The tables of most popular podcasts show that popular videos are not necessarily long term successes. Different podcasts entered the top 10 in June that were not there in May. I believe this highlights the importance of relevant, up-to-date and new content being regularly added to our platforms.

The top 10 most popular podcasts on iTunes U in May:

Roman Jakobson: Poetry of Self, City, Sign and Form 819
Pre Publication Briefing Event Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary 596
‘”Because she never let them in”: Irish Immigration a Century Ago and Today’ 232
From Milan to Europe. The transmission and diffusion of the works of St Ambrose 230
London Screenwriting Seminar: Sean French and Nicci Gerrard 225
Discovering and Using Ancient Place Data 166
Interview with Professor Giuseppe O. Longo: Trieste, Memory and Beyond 165
A Supple Vocabulary for Digital Scholarly Editions 153
London Seminar in Digital Text and Scholarship 150
Protocols for Encoding Shakespeare 143

The top 10 most popular podcasts on iTunes U in June:

Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar: Reworking the (Non) Literary Object 316
Roman Jakobson: Poetry of Self, City, Sign and Form 271
Stephen Spender Research Seminar – New Life in Life Writing 238
Pre Publication Briefing Event Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary 172
NeuroEverything? 103
Unsaturatedness: Wittgenstein’s Challenge, Frege’s Answer 85
‘Short and Sweet’ – Friday 22 July 2011 82
Common Law – the role of precedent 81
Reading and Translating the Qur’an with the Dominican Arabists, c. 1240 – 1320 80
London Screenwriting Seminar: Sean French and Nicci Gerrard 77

Top 5 countries in June:

USA Count 1750
UK Count 827
China Count 496
Australia Count 374
Uzbekistan Count 268