The Social Scholar is a free public lunchtime seminar series run by the School of Advanced Study. Each seminar takes one aspect of social media or focuses on a specific social media tool or platform. This is the first of a series of posts archiving online what happens at each event. All materials related to the Social Scholar will be archived on the SAS Blog under the category heading The Social Scholar. We also have a Twitter hashtag: #socialscholar
Our first Social Scholar event took a general look at why social media can be useful to raising awareness and interest in what an institution does. Julian Harrison is curator of pre-1600 sources at the British Library and is well aware of the power that social media can bring in having an impact beyond those already connected to the institution.
In this post we archive the Twitter feed from the seminar with additional commentary. Watch out for our future post containing video and a summary of the seminar.
The Anti-Social Scholar (and how not to become one) Julian Harrison (British Library) The Social Scholar 23 October 2013, 1pm-2pm