by deeburn | May 15, 2013 | SMART Project
This post lists some of the findings from a recent survey we ran as part of the JISC-funded social media project – SMART. The project is lead by the SAS communications team and engages all 10 institutes of the School. The project commenced in July 2012 and is...
by bcoleman | Apr 17, 2013 | SMART Project
After carrying out a social media survey across the 10 Institutes of the School we were able to put together this infographic showing some of SAS’s social media habits. (Click image to view full size)
by deeburn | Feb 12, 2013 | SMART Project
The project team has had a number of meetings with Abhay since he joined the project and the initial structure for his assessment of current SAS social media presence over the coming months will be as follows: 1. Throughout February, Abhay will undertake an initial...
by deeburn | Feb 5, 2013 | SMART Project
We were delighted to welcome Abhay to the team last month as our social media guru. Abhay is a multimedia designer and social media strategist with a research background in education ICT. He set up Dhyaan Design in 2003 and has since worked on a range of global...
by bcoleman | Jul 27, 2012 | SMART Project
I believe that one of the key aspect of social-media overlaps perfectly with a critical point of research based higher education: to create discussion. Social-media is the perfect medium for allowing those who have opinions and knowledge on a topic to discuss it with...