by estellej | Nov 24, 2014 | Events, Uncategorized
Clinical governance and leadership. Invented in the UK, exported to NZ. Developments that can contribute to NHS England This lecture by Professor Robin Gauld will report the late-1990s in response to various failures in medical professionalism but also to promote...
by aseifert | Oct 13, 2014 | Events
The New Zealand-United Kingdom Link Foundation in association with The Institute of Commonwealth Studies and the Imperial War Museum warmly invites you to the NZ-UK Link Foundation Inaugural Annual Lecture. Speaker: Professor Sir Hew Strachan, Chichele Professor of...
by bcoleman | Jun 17, 2013 | Events
Connections and smooth pathways between research, policy and practice are essential to ensure that researchers can play a part in achieving social justice and making a difference to children’s lives. Professor Smith will argue that the recognition of children...
by deeburn | May 21, 2013 | Fellowships & Networks
In her inaugural lecture last week as the School’s NZ-UK Link Visiting Professor for 2013, Anne Smith outlined how New Zealand’s early childhood system became a model of best practice for the recognition of children’s rights in early childhood education. She...