by michaeleades | Apr 4, 2014 | Bloomsbury Festival in a Box
Project Dissemination: As the Bloomsbury Festival in a Box Project moves towards its dissemination stages, we are opening up the ‘archives of engagement’ that have developed over the course of the project via a number of outlets. The first of these is a...
by michaeleades | Mar 27, 2014 | Bloomsbury Festival in a Box
It’s the Bloomsbury fair, not the Bloomsbury Festival!’ Such was the reaction of one of my research participants upon our arriving at her flat with the Bloomsbury ‘Festival in a Box’ a couple of weeks ago. This participant is now in her late nineties and has lived in...
by michaeleades | Feb 25, 2014 | Being Human festival
A lot of my life over the last year or so has been taken up with festivals. That’s not to say that this year has been a hedonistic one (far from it), but rather that both my working life and my academic research has increasingly revolved around the planning,...
by michaeleades | Feb 19, 2014 | Interviews, Uncategorized
On Wednesday 12th of February I went had breakfast at the House of Lords. Unfortunately, I can’t pretend that this is how I generally start my Wednesdays. I was invited to these grand surroundings on business, specifically to attend the launch of a new website and...
by michaeleades | Feb 16, 2014 | Bloomsbury Festival in a Box
It was ‘National Storytelling Week’ last week (1st-8th Feb). If nothing else, this meant that there was a welcome focus in the national press on the therapeutic and social importance on the act of storytelling, and on what it means to form narratives and communicate...