by michaeleades | Apr 4, 2014 | Bloomsbury Festival in a Box
Project Dissemination: As the Bloomsbury Festival in a Box Project moves towards its dissemination stages, we are opening up the ‘archives of engagement’ that have developed over the course of the project via a number of outlets. The first of these is a...
by bcoleman | Jun 17, 2013 | Events
Connections and smooth pathways between research, policy and practice are essential to ensure that researchers can play a part in achieving social justice and making a difference to children’s lives. Professor Smith will argue that the recognition of children...
by bcoleman | May 28, 2013 | Events
SAS pick of the week. On the island of Crete, there are around 850 historical churches containing fresco programmes, at least ninety-three of which contain vivid depictions of Hell. Many of these Hell scenes occur within the traditional setting of the Last Judgement,...